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Hey, I'm Jess

A Sydney based Designer & Artist

With a decade of experience across multi-media and graphic design, I have worked with numerous brands rolling out campaigns and focusing on the attention-grabbing details.

Throughout my career, I have created strategic marketing collateral, developed brand designs, produced social media content and retouched photography.

I am a dedicated hands-on creator bringing tenacity for learning new artistic skills and honing those already acquired. I'm an appreciator of the unconventional and I firmly believe in the importance of creative licence through self-expression.

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ADIDAS: Church of Alternative 

Creating a fashion line that bridges the gap between sportswear and streetwear with a focus on alternative subcultures 

Google Pixel: Unleash Your Outsider Energy

Creating a guerrilla marketing strategy to draw in the creative and quirky outsiders of society 

Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty: I Love Fossil Fuel

Using 'in your face' irony to show the general public how deeply fossil fuels have infiltrated their lives and encouraging them to do something about it

Abandoned Building Set Design: Haunted School

Planning and tediously crafting a scale model of an abandoned building to be used as a set in a theatre, telling the story of an abandoned school

Stop Motion Advertisement: Casual Tea Casualty

Creating a 30 second tv ad for a fictional brand using stop motion animation that comes with a powerful message about not judging others through my love of tea


A lead pencil sketch on art paper, suspended with thread and nailed to a wooden frame showing how overthinking manifests

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